Download Citibank Routing Numbers

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Citibank Routing Numbers

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  • CitiBank Routing Numbers
If your account was opened here… …your ABA number is:
Northern California – including San Francisco & Central California 321171184
Southern California – including Los Angeles & San Diego 322271724
Connecticut 221172610
Delaware 021272655
Florida 266086554
Illinois 271070801
Maryland 052002166 254070116 for incoming wires
Massachusetts 221172610
Nevada – except Las Vegas branches 27, 29, 30 & 56 322271724
Nevada – Las Vegas branches 27, 29, 30 & 56 122401710 322271724 for incoming wires
New Jersey 021272655
New York 021000089 021001486 for former EAB customers
Pennsylvania 021272655
Texas 113193532
Virginia & Washington DC 254070116

Citibank is the third (3rd) largest financial institution in the United States with over 1,400 locations and in more than 160 countries worldwide. Citibank has 18 different routing numbers in 13 States that can be viewed from one of the options below.

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How to Find a CitiBank Routing Number?

Option 1 – Look on a check that is connected to your account. You can view it as the nine (9) digit number located on the bottom left corner. sample-citibank-check-routing-number

Option 2 – Go to the Citibank Website. Here you will find the most up to date list of routing numbers by State. Option

Option 3Download List

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