Download Florida Bill of Sale Forms and Templates

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Florida Bill of Sale Forms and Templates

Download the Florida bill of sale forms that allow a person to transfer the ownership of a boat (vessel) or vehicle located within Florida. The new owner must keep an original for title and for registration with the DMV office (See Nearest Office).

How to Register a Vehicle

The following forms and documents will be needed when registering a vehicle with the dept. of motor vehicles in Florida:

  • Have the vehicle bill of sale fully complete including the seller’s section filled in with signature – Also must include the VIN and Odometer Disclosure Form
  • Title along with the transfer of title including:
    • Purchaser’s name and address
    • Date of sale
    • Selling price
    • Mileage
    • Date of mileage
    • Signature of seller(s) and printed name(s). If sellers’ names are joined by
    • “and”, both sellers must sign.
    • Purchaser’s signature and printed name
  • Complete the HSMV 82040Certificate of Title Without Registration
  • Proof of Insurance – A card, policy, or binder number is accepted
  • 6% sales tax on the purchase price
  • Blank check for fees

