Download Rite Aid Job Application Form

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Rite Aid Job Application Form

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Fill in and complete the Rite Aid job application form for all pharmacy, management, or standard retail positions that may be available. An applicant may apply online but it is not recommended for traditional retail employment as it will not have the most current availabilities and is used for corporate or distribution related jobs.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Complete Official Application – This is the official application for use by any potential Rite Aid candidate. Fill in the form either on your computer or after printing out. It is best to mark down as many hours as you can that you are available as any new employee will probably not have the best schedule starting out.

Step 2 – Find Your Store – Locate the store that you would like to work and make a time to go inside and try to avoid it’s peak hours. Upon entering, ask to speak with the manager and be patient as he or she may be dealing with customers or other activities that may require you to wait.

The manager will usually be upfront about any openings that are available and if there are he or she will accept your application. If the qualifications are met you will probably be getting a phone call to meet at a later time or to come in directly for training.

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