Download Dairy Queen Job Application Form – PDF

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Dairy Queen Job Application Form – PDF

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Use the Dair Queen job application for employment at any corporate or franchise Dairy Queen (DQ) ice cream parlor in or outside the United States. Most locations are owned by franchisees, or individual owners, therefore it is always advised to enter the store desired and ask to speak with management. The best time to request a position is during the peak season which are usually the summer months for the northern parts of the USA.

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How to Apply

Dairy Queen Job Application

Dairy Queen Job Application

Depending on which part of the country the process may be different as in some locations Dairy Queen offers lunch and dinner food items such as burgers and french fries. In New England for example, most locations are open seasonally, during the summer, and only serve ice cream and frozen treats. Therefore an applicant will want to decide beforehand what type of job they are looking for determined on where they reside.

Step 1 – Download the application or go the Dairy Queen Careers Website. Due to most of the locations being owned by franchisees the corporate site will only have a small percentage of the positions available in your area.

When completing the application it is very important to list any and all restaurant, food, and other service related work that you have done in the past.

Step 2 – Find a location and ask to meet with the manager or owner. It is best to show up in a polite manner and when the store is not busy in order to have as much time in front of your potential employer. After speaking about any fillable positions the application should be handed to the manager and you should hear back from the store, if any interest is shown, within one (1) week.

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