Download USAA Power of Attorney Form – PDF Template

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USAA Power of Attorney Form – PDF Template

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Grant someone the power over an investment account with the USAA (United Services Automobile Association) to have the power to manage, control, and have access over any and all your accounts not limited to but including;

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  • Investment Transactions

a) The agent, who is assigned POA, must complete a USAA Brokerage Services Option Account
Application and/or USAA Brokerage Services Margin Application, as applicable, and must be
approved for options and/or margin trading, before USAA Power of Attorney is granted on the
margin/option account.
(b) To inquire, buy, sell (including short sales), exchange, convert and trade in stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, including USAA mutual funds, ETFs, options and any other securities or contracts relating
to the same on margin, if the account is approved to trade options, or otherwise; for or at the
risk of my account(s);
(c) To inquire and provide instructions, reviews and set the investment objective for the
management of my discretionary account(s);
(d) To execute and deliver good and sufficient instruments for the accomplishment of the above
authority; to act as my attorney or proxy with respect to any stocks, shares, bonds, mutual
funds or other investments, rights or interest as I may now or hereafter hold;
(e) To receive periodic account statements, confirms, proxies, prospectuses and other account
disclosure documents; and
(f) To withdraw by check, order, or other means any cash, securities, or property from my
account(s), regardless of the tax consequences of such a distribution. Such distribution may be
made to me or to any third party, including my Attorney-in-Fact.

  • Banking Transactions

a) To deposit or withdraw for any purpose, in or from any bank or other financial institution, any
funds, checks, or other credits which I now or hereafter may have on deposit or be entitled to,
and to endorse, cash and receive the proceeds of any and all checks, vouchers, or other
orders for money, to open or close accounts, and to receive statements, vouchers, notices or
other documents from any bank or other financial institution concerning any and all accounts or
banking transactions in my name or in which I may have an interest;
(b) To have access for all purposes to any or all safety deposit boxes or vaults rented in my name
or in the names of any other person or persons and myself, with full power to use the same
for safekeeping any property or papers, and to remove therefrom any time, or from time to
time, all or any part of the contents of any such box or vault;
(c) To borrow money at an interest rate agreeable to my Attorney-in-Fact and pledge as security
real or personal property of the principal necessary to borrow, pay, renew, or extend the time
of payment of any of my debts;
(d) To receive bank statements, vouchers, notices, or similar documents from a financial institution
and act with respect to them; and
(e) To continue, modify, or terminate an account or other banking arrangement made by me or on
my behalf, including but not limited to changing automatic payment plan instructions for any loan
payment or deposits.

  • Insurance Transactions 

(a) To pay the premiums, terminate any property or casualty policies or execute rights on an
annuity or any contract of insurance presently owned by me or hereafter acquired;
To procure (subject to underwriting requirements) different or additional annuities or contracts
of insurance on my life or with respect to protecting me or my property from ill health,
disability, accident, liability or loss;
(c) To exercise any election or conversion rights, and to demand, receive or obtain any money,
dividend, or other thing of value to which I am or may become entitled as the proceeds or
other return or profit arising out of any contract of insurance or of any one or more of the
insurance transactions herein enumerated;
(d) To establish or change policy and billing addresses, although my Attorney-in-Fact does not
receive the power to change ownership or make a gift of the annuity or contract of insurance;
To establish or change beneficiary designations applicable to any life insurance policy or annuity
contract that I own;
(f) To receive all notices normally provided to the owner or named insured of any contract;
(g) To apply for, receive delivery of, or amend any property and casualty insurance contract;
(h) To execute documents accepting or rejecting insurance coverages;
(i) To do all things necessary to the settlement of a claim, including but not limited to, the
execution of releases, receipt of insurance proceeds, authorization of repairs to insured
property, or execution of any documents necessary to transfer my interest in vehicles insured
by USAA to effect loan payoff and salvage titling in the event that USAA determines that any
such vehicle is a total loss or total theft;
(j) To vote or designate a proxy to vote in matters placed before the members of USAA; and
(k) To execute subscriber agreements containing limited powers of attorney to effectuate the
procurement of insurance policies to be provided by United Services Automobile Association.

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