Download Delaware Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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Delaware Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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Changing your name according to Delaware’s state statute Title 10 Chapter 59 is appropriate if changing it because of marriage or divorce, and for any personal reason that you may encounter. All cases are handled specifically and dependent on your case; you may or may not have to be called before a judge to continue in order to get your name changing petition granted. It’s important to follow all the below guidelines in order to ensure your name change is both taken care of legally and completely.

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  • Step 1

So first according to the Delaware law; in order to apply for a name change you must first announce it publicly. You must get an ad in the newspaper published about your interest in the name change and let it circulate for 3 weeks; once per 7 days. (Be sure to do this in a newspaper in the county you choose to complete your name changing petition in).

  • Step 2

Now you may go and fill out a petition; after you’ve completed the announcement stage of the process. Depending on the county of your choosing; in the state of Delaware here are the name changing papers listed for 3 county’s.

  • Step 3

Get your petition notarized; you can do this by going to a branch bank in the county you wish to change your name in; they usually have a notary on staff. If you happen to have a branch bank that you are currently with you can also go there, and get your petition notarized for free. After; you can now file your petition for a name change at the county clerk’s office.

  • Step 4

Over the next few weeks you should receive a court date where the judge may or may not authorize your name changing petition. Please be aware that the judge will probably ask you why you want your name changed. If the judge authorizes the name change then you will receive a name changing certificate. This certificate is something you have to show to all types of government and legal institution’s letting them know of your name change immediately.

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