Download Florida Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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Florida Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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Changing your name in Florida is a very simple process; takes steps, but it’s simple. In some states it can be more complex, but Florida makes it pretty easy for anyone looking to change their name. If you’re looking to change your name, and can follow simple instructions it can be done in no time. Changing your name can be because of getting married or divorced, and for any other personal reasons that you may have.  If they are too personal; and you’re asked to see a judge you may be required to tell the judge in order to help your name changing petition to be approved.

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Steps to Legally Change Your Name

  • Step 1

First step is to get your fingerprints taken at your local Sheriff’s office; this is because the State needs to know if you have any type of criminal history by performing a background check.

  • Step 2

Make sure to have all personal information like your personal identification card; social security card; and birth certificate. Also be aware that you must be at least 18 years of age to even be considered to petition for a name change. File the Name Change Petition with the county clerk’s office and you should contact your county clerk’s office about this application to be sure it’s accepted by them ahead of time.

You must get your petition notarized, and you can find a notary at any branch bank; there is a small fee for these services; if you’re with the bank itself you may end up getting these services free of charge.

  • Step 3

After the above have been taken care of; soon you should receive a hearing date. In Florida they are known to sometimes give you a hearing pretty quickly depending on the county. If the judge authorizes your petition then you will be given an official certificate of the name change which will allow you to inform all institutions in regards to the name change ASAP; this is mandatory.

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