Download Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Alaska Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Currently Alaska has no Individual income tax and therefore, state withholding in Alaska does not occur. The state of Alaska, does however levy corporate state income taxes.  These taxes are based on Federal taxable income with some adjustments provided by the state of Alaska.

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Corporate tax rates graduate in $10,000.00 increments from 1%-9.4% of income earned that is taxable.


There are no extensions provided by the state of Alaska unless a Federal extension has been arranged, at which point, a state extension is automatic.

Where Do I Send A Tax Return?

Since there are no individual state income taxes in Alaska, there is no address available to send payments.

Corporate tax payments in Alaska are to be made no later than the 15th of the third month, once the tax year has closed. If an estimated payment is being made of $100,000.00 or greater or if there is return with a payment of $150,000.00 or more, you must make payment online with OTIS or you may pay by wire transfer.

To contact the Alaska Department of Revenue –

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