Download California Franchise Board Tax Forms

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California Franchise Board Tax Forms

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The State of California mandate states that tax preparation professionals who annually prepare more than 100 individual returns and if more than one return is prepared with tax preparation software then, all personal income tax returns, may only be e-filed.

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Tax Brackets in California

The state of California has eighteen tax brackets that are marginal and range from the lowest tax bracket at 1.00% to the highest which is 12.30%. Marginal rates will only apply to the marginal tax bracket within your earnings bracket. Married couples that file their tax return jointly will have access to a wider tax bracket than others who may file individually or separate.

California has updated their tax brackets for the 2013 tax year.  Be sure that you’re using the current bracket as follows:

Tax Brackets

Single Individuals Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $7,582, you will pay 1.00%
  • Earnings between $7,582.00 and $17,976, you will pay 2.00% + $75.82
  • Earnings between $17,976.00 and $28,371, you will pay 4.00% + $283.70
  • Earnings between $28,371.00 and $39,384, you will pay 6.00% + $699.50
  • Earnings between $39,384.00 and $49,774, you will pay 8.00% + $1,360.28
  • Earnings between $49,774.00 and $254,250, you will pay 9.30% + $2,191.48
  • Earnings between $254,250.00 and $305,100, you will pay 10.30% + $21,207.75
  • For earnings between $305,100.00 and $508,500, you will pay 11.30% + $26,445.30
  • Earnings over $508,500.00, you will pay 12.30% + $49,429.50

Married Couple’s Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $15,164, you will pay 1.00%
  • Earnings between $15,164.00 and $35,952, you will pay 2.00% + $151.64
  • Earnings between $35,952.00 and $56,742, you will pay 4.00% + $567.40
  • Earnings between $56,742.00 and $78,768, you will pay 6.00% + $1,399.00
  • Earnings between $78,768.00 and $99,548, you will pay 8.00% + $2,720.56
  • Earnings between $99,548.00 and $508,500, you will pay 9.30% + $4,382.96
  • Earnings between $508,500.00 and $610,200, you will pay 10.30% + $42,415.50
  • Earnings between $610,200.00 and $1,017,000, you will pay 11.30% + $52,890.60
  • Earnings over $1,017,000.00, you will pay 12.30% + $98,859.00


There is no need to file for an extension in the state of California. California automatically provides and extension through the 15th of October. Should you require further assistance the mailing address is:

  • Franchise Tax Board PO Box 942867- Sacramento, CA 94267-0008

Where to Send a Tax Return?

Individual Return Mailing Address:

  • Franchise Tax Board PO Box 942840- Sacramento, CA 94240-0009

Return without Refund:

  • Franchise Tax Board PO Box 942867- Sacramento, CA 94267-0009


  • Franchise Tax Board P.O. Box 942867 Sacramento, CA 94267-0008

California Franchise Tax Board – Contact Information

Previous Years

Individual 1993 through 2007 – 

Individual 2008 through 2013

Corporate –

Partnerships –

Estates –

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