Download Georgia Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Georgia Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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The state of Georgia mandate states that if tax preparation professionals are approved to file electronically with the IRS program, they are also automatically approved to file Georgia state returns electronically. There will be no other approval process required for the state of Georgia.

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Tax Brackets in Georgia:

In the state of Georgia there are twelve marginal tax brackets. Georgia state tax brackets range from the lowest at 1.00% to the highest at 6.00%. Marginal rates will only apply to earnings within the appropriate marginal tax bracket. Be certain that you’re using the current 2013 tax brackets.

Single Individual Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $750, you will pay 1.00%
  • Earnings between $750.00 and $2,250, you will pay 2.00% + $7.50
  • Earnings between $2,250.00 and $3,750, you will pay 3.00% + $37.50
  • Earnings between $3,750.00 and $5,250, you will pay 4.00% + $82.50
  • Earnings between $5,250.00 and $7,000, you will pay 5.00% + $142.50
  • Earnings over $7,000.00, you will pay 6.00% + $230.00


Married Couple Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $1,000, you will pay 1.00%
  • Earnings between $1,000.00 and $3,000, you will pay 2.00% + $10.00
  • Earnings between $3,000.00 and $5,000, you will pay 3.00% + $50.00
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $7,000, you will pay 4.00% + $110.00
  • Earnings between $7,000.00 and $10,000, you will pay 5.00% + $190.00
  • Earnings over $10,000.00, you will pay 6.00% + $340.00 


If you file a federal extension, the state of Georgia will accept this as a Georgia state extension as well. You must attach a copy of your extension to your Georgia return at the time of the filing. If there is no federal extension submitted, you must use Georgia state form IT -303 and mail it in triplicate:

Extension Mailing Address:

  • Georgia Department of Revenue Processing Center PO Box 740320 – Atlanta GA 30374-0320


Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Georgia Department of Revenue Processing Center PO Box 740380 Atlanta GA 30374-0380

Return without Refund:

  • Georgia Department of Revenue Processing Center PO Box 740399 Atlanta GA 30374-0399


  • Georgia Department of Revenue Processing Center PO Box 740319 Atlanta GA 30374-0319


Contact the Georgia Department of Revenue

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