Download Nevada Purchase and Sale Agreement

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Nevada Purchase and Sale Agreement

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The Nevada purchase and sale agreement allows a person to be able to enter a contract for the exchange of residential property. The buyer and seller will need to complete all necessary fields, initial, and authorize in order for the form to be considered legal.

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After the agreement is signed the seller must inform the buyer of any defects or problems with the property through the use of a disclosure form (there may be others needed by law as well). Make sure to have the buyer initial or sign to recognize the fact that he or she received the document.

  • Real Property Disclosure Form – This form must accompany a purchase and sale agreement to inform a buyer of any defects or issues with the property. The seller must answer any and all questions honestly if he or she has any type of prior knowledge of any type of damage of defect on the premises or with the property’s title.
  • Lead Based Paint – For all structures built before 1978
  • LawsNRS Chapter 113 – Sales of Real Property

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