Download Maine Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Maine Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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The state of Maine mandates that a tax preparation professional who has prepared more than ten original state tax returns in the previous year, must file all Maine individual returns that are eligible, electronically.

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Tax Brackets in Maine

In the state of Maine there are four tax brackets that range from the lowest 6.50% tax bracket to the highest Maine tax bracket of 7.95%.The marginal rates will only apply to earnings within each marginal tax bracket that is applicable. Maine’s different tax brackets apply to different filing types for example, married couples who file jointly will generally show wider tax brackets than those who file individual or single.Be sure to refer to Maine’s updated 2013 tax brackets.

Single Individuals Tax Bracket

  • Earnings between $5,200.00 and $20,900, you will pay 6.50% only
  • Earnings over $20,900.00, you will pay 7.95% + $1,020.50

Married Couples Tax Bracket:

  • Earnings between $10,450.00 and $41,850, you will pay 6.50% only
  • Earnings over $41,850.00, you will pay 7.95% + $2,041.00


In the state of Maine automatically provides a six-month extension to file state taxes with the due date then being October 15th. 

Extension Mailing Address:

  • Maine Revenue Services: Treasurer, State of Maine PO Box 9114 – Augusta ME 04332-9114 

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Maine Revenue Services PO Box 1066 – Augusta, ME 04332-1066

Return without Refund:

  • Maine Revenue Services PO Box 1067 – Augusta, ME 04332-1067


  • Treasurer, State of Maine: Maine Revenue Services PO Box 9101 – Augusta, ME 04332-9101

Contact the Maine Department of Revenue

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