Download Georgia Purchase and Sale Agreements

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Georgia Purchase and Sale Agreements

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The Georgia purchase and sale agreements can be used for any individual seeking to buy or sell residential or commercial property. This form must be completely filled in marking the buyer, seller, and property information as well as the details of the transaction. Purchasing property requires a large sum of money that usually calls for a title company to take care of transferring funds and checking the validity of the title. If it is a cash closing this can be arranged in days but if financing is involved it can take up to a few months.

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  • It is recommended that any buyer take into consideration that there may be structural or property defects and to have any and all tests done to ensure that any problems that are found can be cured before closing.
  • Make sure that all the documents are legal under law by having an attorney or real estate agent review all forms and make sure all disclosure forms are in order.

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