Download Colorado Purchase and Sale Agreements | PDF Templates

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Colorado Purchase and Sale Agreements | PDF Templates

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Use the following Colorado purchase and sale agreements as an individual buyer or working through an agent for commercial, residential, or vacant property. Select the document desired and fill in all the blanks with the information about the property and all the parties involved.

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All contracts are required to have certain disclosures about the property for the seller to complete. A full list can be found at the Colorado Division of Real Estate Website for free download for your own use but it is recommended to hire a real estate agent or an attorney to make sure everything is legally processed.

If it is a cash purchase the transaction can usually take place immediately after contacting a title company to host the closing. There still should be a disclosure period where the buyer may be able to check for structural and title defects to make sure he or she is not liable.

If it is a closing that requires financing there will usually be a time frame suggested (anywhere from 30 to 90 days) where the buyer will have to apply for loans at various financial institutions. If he or she is not able to obtain the credit needed, he or she is usually not on the hook for the property but may lose their security deposit.

Once the agreement has been authorized by all the parties involved it becomes legal and binding.

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