Download California Residential Property Purchase and Sale Agreements | PDF | Word

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California Residential Property Purchase and Sale Agreements | PDF | Word

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Download and complete the California purchase and sale agreements whether you are a realtor or just a regular person looking to buy or sell a residential unit. Once a verbal agreement has been established it is up to both parties to create a purchase and sale agreement and make sure every page is initialed and signed by all parties.

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If it is a cash closing, the transaction will usually take place immediately, but if the buyer needs time to put his or her financing in place, it can take up to ninety (90) days. Also, some buyers may need to sell their home before they may be able to purchase another, in this case there would be a clause that would state these terms and conditions.

There may be disclosures by law that must accompany this agreement. Contact a lawyer or licensed real estate agent in order to retain the copies necessary.

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