Download Kansas Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Kansas Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Use the Kansas articles of incorporation forms either online or in paper form to create a corporation in the State. All payments and forms must be submitted to the office of the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Name Availability – Make sure the name you have selected does not exist in the business database. Perform a search to make sure there are no duplicates or closely matching terms.

How to File

Step 1 – Choose Type of Entity – Select the type of corporation you wish to file from the following options;

  • Domestic Profit – This is the most common type of corporation formed as it is for any standard business that will be located within the State.
  • Domestic Non-Profit – For any standard non-profit corporation that will be located in the State.
  • Domestic Professional – For all professional entities to be located in Kansas such as law or medical offices.
  • Foreign Profit – For all corporations that are not located within Kansas that wish to do business in the State.
  • Foreign Non-Profit – For any out of state non-profit corporation that will be conducting business transactions or operating within Kansas.

Step 2 – Pay Fee – If you have decided to file online then you will be redirected at the end of the session to pay the amount as listed below, if you have decided to file through the paper route a check must be made payable to the Kansas Secretary of State.

  • Domestic Profit – $90
  • Domestic Non-Profit – $20
  • Domestic Professional – $90
  • Foreign – $115
  • Foreign Non-Profit – $115

If the paper filing is being sought the applicant must attach the check to the completed form and send to: Memorial Hall, 1st Floor 120 S.W. 10th Avenue Topeka, KS 66612-1594 Contact Information


  • Apply For EIN – Also referred to as an Employment Identification Number, allows a corporation to conduct business activity as well as open bank accounts. The number must be obtained from the IRS with the online filing being the easiest. It is a free service and once complete a PDF document will appear for download containing the number and the form will be needed when applying for the bank account.
  • Corporate Bylaws – Recommended to prove the entity status if ever questioned by an outside party. Details the day to day functions of the business among other information.


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