Download Wisconsin Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Wisconsin Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Wisconsin tax forms are filed by a individual on behalf of their personal, business, or estate earnings by themselves or with a licensed professional. A professional tax preparer who has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is automatically approved to submit returns electronically. Professional tax specialists who have prepared more than 50 Wisconsin individual returns during the previous filing season must e-file all individual returns.

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Tax Brackets

The state of Wisconsin has ten marginal tax brackets.These brackets range from the lowest at 4.60% to 7.75% which is the highest Wisconsin tax bracket. Marginal rates will only apply to earnings within the marginal tax bracket appropriate to your personal income. Be certain to refer to the current 2013 Wisconsin tax brackets to ensure accuracy.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $10,750, you will pay 4.60%
  • Earnings between $10,750.00 and $21,490, you will pay 6.15% + $494.50
  • Earnings between $21,490.00 and $161,180, you will pay 6.50% + $1,155.01
  • Earnings between $161,180.00 and $236,600, you will pay 6.75% + $10,234.86
  • Earnings over $236,600.00, you will pay 7.75% + $15,325.71

Married Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $14,330, you will pay 4.60%
  • Earnings between $14,330.00 and $28,650, you will pay 6.15% + $659.18
  • Earnings between $28,650.00 and $214,910, you will pay 6.50% + $1,539.86
  • Earnings between $214,910.00 and $315,460, you will pay 6.75% + $13,646.76
  • Earnings over $315,460.00, you will pay 7.75% + $20,433.89


If you find you will be unable to file your Wisconsin state returns on time, you may get an extension of time to file. You will have the opportunity to use any federal extension provision for Wisconsin. You do not need to submit a request for an extension to the department of revenue prior to the time you file your Wisconsin return. When you file your Form 1 be certain to enclose a copy of your federal extension application Form 4868 or a statement indicating which federal extension you wish to apply for Wisconsin. You will owe interest on any tax that you have not paid by April 15. Your extension will only be an extension of time to file your returns.

  • There is no Wisconsin address to send paper extension requests, you must file electronically.

Where to Send Tax Forms

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Wisconsin Department of Revenue P.O. Box 59 Madison, WI 53785-0001

Return without Refund

  • Wisconsin Department of Revenue P.O. Box 268 Madison, WI 53790-0001


  • Wisconsin Department of Revenue P.O. Box 930208 Milwaukee, WI 53293-0208
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