Download Massachusetts Divorce Forms and Papers

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Massachusetts Divorce Forms and Papers

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The requirements to file Massachusetts divorce papers is residency of one of the parties for at least one (1) year and the grounds must be for “Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage” for a no fault divorce. The process may take up to eighteen (18) months if the parties do not agree and as little as eight (8) months if they are in cooperation.

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  • If either party wishes to view all the State laws they may do so in Chapter 208 of the Massachusetts Legislature.

How to For Divorce in Massachusetts

Step 1 – The spouses will need to fill-in the following forms;

Step 2 – File these documents with the court location in your area (See List). There will be a fee of $200 along with a $15 surcharge and $5  for the summons (Total $220). If you cannot pay the fee you will need to complete the Affidavit of Indigency Form.

*If the spouses did not file together, the filing party will need to serve the other spouse the Domestic Relations Summons.

*If you have minor children, both you and your spouse will have to attend Parental Education classes. The Court Clerk will make you aware of such classes that have been approved for this purpose by the Court. You will be issued a certificate after you successfully complete the course. You will need to present this certificate to the Judge at the Court Hearing.

Step 3 – Within thirty (30) days the spouses will be notified of the court hearing date if all their documents were filed in order. Go to the court hearing and if it was successful you will be granted a Judgment of Divorce Nisi. This is the term to describe the completion of the divorce and it will be become official after ninety (90) days.

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