Download Nevada Divorce Forms and Papers

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Nevada Divorce Forms and Papers

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The Nevada divorce forms allow for a spouse to file a no-fault dissolution of marriage with one of the spouses who has been a resident for at least six (6) weeks. Under the State Statute, the grounds for divorce must be for “A marriage may be annulled for any cause which is a ground for annulling or declaring void a contract in a court of equity” which most commonly allows a Petitioner to file based on Irreconcilable Differences.

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How to File For Divorce in Nevada

Step 1 – Download the following forms and have them completed by the Petitioner;

The forms must be filed in the District Court where the Petitioner or Defendant is a resident. There will be a fee and if you cannot afford the filing fee, you may fill out an Application and Order to waive the costs.

Step 2 – Serve the spouse the forms filed with the clerk along with the following forms that must be filled in by the Defendant;

The petitioner must obtain the forms and file with the clerk’s office.

Step 3  – Each spouse must complete;

If the spouses choose to not have a court hearing then the following forms must be completed;

Step 4 – The Judge will usually complete the Decree within fifteen (15) days of it being filed as long as all the forms have been completed correctly. At this time the divorce is complete.

Individual Forms


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