Download DA Form 268 | Report To Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions (Flag)

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DA Form 268 | Report To Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions (Flag)

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The DA Form 268 is an Army personnel form used in conjunction with Regulation AR 600-8-2 to add or remove “flags” to a soldier’s record that will affect decisions pertaining to the soldier’s possible promotion in rank. The purpose of the flag is to suspend favorable action while the soldier is under investigation for infractions or wrongdoing by civilian or military authorities. The DA Form 268 is used to “flag” the issue and insert this information into the Human Resources databank, and the form can also be used remove the negative mark on the soldier’s record when and if the removal is deemed appropriate.

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How to Fill Out

  • The first line of the DA Form 268 contains three Boxes, which will contain the soldier’s name, social security number and military rank. The line directly underneath contains two boxes, 4 and 5. Box 4 will have three checkpoints, with one being checked to indicate if he or she is on Active Duty, Not On Active Duty, or On ADT, and Box 5 will contain the date of the individual’s mandatory retirement or end of service. He next two lines contain Boxes 6, 7 and 8, which will contain, respectively, The Unit Assigned and Army Command, the Station (geographic location), and the name and phone number of the relevant human resources office.
  • Below that, Box 9 occupies an entire line by itself. It is here that the person filling out this DA Form 268 indicated whether the purpose of the action that this form describes is to Initiate a Flag or to Remove a Flag from the soldier’s record. The first nine boxes of the form together compose Section I. The form here instructs that in all cases, Section IV must be filled. Additionally, if the purpose is initiation, Section II is to be filled out, and, alternatively, if the purpose is to remove a flag, it is Section III that must be completed. Sections II, III and IV all extend across the length of the form’s page.
  • On the top line of Section II on DA Form 268 contains a space that must be filled in with the date that the flag being initiated is to take effect. On the very bottom of this section is a place for a signature. In between, the rest of Section 2 is divided into two columns, one headed with the title Non-Transferable Flags and the other titled Transferable Flags. Underneath each heading are checkpoints for the various reasons for the flag.
  • Section III, for removing a flag, includes the date the flag is removed and the Flag Code. The rest of the box offers choices to check for the reason the flag is to be removed.
  • Finally, Section IV of DA Form 268 is for Authentication. There are spaces for name and organization, relevant signature, and the date.


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