Download Wyoming Child Support Computation Form & Net Income Calculation

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Wyoming Child Support Computation Form & Net Income Calculation

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Child support in Wyoming chooses to focus its energy on protection of the children under any circumstances by providing families what they need on a “time-limited” basis. What this means is that if divorcing or separating parents need public assistance for their children until a court order for child support is in place, they will be happy to help until such time that parents are in control and properly contributing to their families and community.  Both parents are expected to contribute to the well-being of their children by way of child support payments and medical coverage regardless of marital status.

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Judges in Wyoming are to presume that they will begin by calculating a basic child support order.  It will be presumed that there will be a custodial parent who remains in the home and cares for the children on all levels daily. It will then be presumed that there will be a non-custodial parent who is no longer in the home. Presumed also, will be the fact that the custodial parent is already paying their percentage of child support by being of daily support and caregiving. In the final basic support order decisions, the non-custodial parent will be the responsible part for actual child support payments to their children through the custodial parent.

Calculating Child Support

If Wyoming parents would like to calculate an estimate of what their child support order may consist of they would need to begin by studying the child support guidelines contained in Article 3 of the current Wyoming child support rules and laws. It’s important to remember that the language in these documents could be difficult to understand. If you feel that you may require assistance with this information, it may be in your best interest to employ the services of a family law attorney. 

After each parent has taken the time to study the Wyoming child support rules and laws, you will need to be prepared with a Wyoming child support calculator that will decipher a basic child support amount according to the information that you provide.

It’s best not to just randomly place income and deductions into the calculator.  You will need to gather your documents that will provide evidence of your income. Income is anything that you receive money from, earned or unearned. Examples would be but are not limited to: salaries, wages, funds received from business ownership, stocks, rent from real property, self-employment income, disability payments, worker’s compensation, pension payments, veteran’s pay, unemployment, income received from partnerships, trust funds, bonds, dividends, social security income, royalties, commissions or bonuses, annuities, alimony received from a previous marriage as well.

Each parent would also need to collect documented evidence of allowable deductibles. Examples would be but would not be limited to: state or federal tax payments, employee payroll expenses, health insurance obligations, mandatory retirement payments, mandatory union dues, child care expenses, self-employment expenses, military subsidies, payments that may not be covered by health insurance, child support payments to children of a previous marriages or relationships, are deductibles that the courts may consider. There are other possible deductibles that may be considered if presented to the court. If the court finds that deviations are necessary, the court will be required to put an explanation of the changes into writing for the record. There are exclusions such as public assistance income, food stamps or even overtime pay.

Often, after a child support order has been granted, at some point parents or situations will dictate modifications to be necessary. Wyoming courts will hear a modification case whenever there is a significant upward or downward change in circumstances and with complete regard to what is in the best interest of the children. In order to implement a modification process, you will need to study and complete the forms in the Custody and Child Support Modification Forms and Procedures packet.The forms are located toward the end of the document and provide forms for the parent who may be initiating the process and the respondent. Provided both parents agree on the modifications, you must complete the forms and file them before your case can be completed.

The state of Wyoming will, under no circumstances, tolerate the actions of any parent who would voluntarily sever employment or become underemployed as an avenue to cease or lower their child support payments. If a Judge decides there may be evidence that this is in fact the case, they may evaluate the case by reviewing the parent’s training, current earning potential, education and the current job market. It may be decided by the courts that income must be imputed to minimum wage or to the amount of the current child support order.

In the state of Wyoming termination of child support under any circumstances is far from automatic. Not only will the case need to be heard by the courts, but you will need to understand that the burden of proof weighs on the person attempting to end child support payments. You will need to study the packet instructions for termination of child support and complete the forms.  It’s possible to get the courts to allow termination upon emancipation (18 years of age) or 19 if the child is still enrolled in secondary education. The decision will ultimately have to be decided in court.


In the state of Wyoming, if child support enforcement is required because a parent is not complying with a court order, you will need to fill out an application and pay a $25.00 service fee to Wyoming Child Support Enforcement. If you feel that you may require a better understanding of the laws or you need representation, you may wish to contact a family law attorney to represent you with your particular case to avoid delays.


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