Download Month-to-month Rental Agreement | Fillable | PDF | WORD | RTF

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Month-to-month Rental Agreement | Fillable | PDF | WORD | RTF

Some neighborhoods and properties may be conducive to monthly rental arrangements because so many of the local renters are college students or because a house may rent individual bedrooms separately rather than combining each one for a constant rental rate. Even though this type of arrangement is often short-term, it still behooves all parties to use a month-to-month rental agreement to protect their interests.

Important to Include

As with other types of residential lease, these agreements need to specify certain important information, including:

  • Landlord’s personal contact information
  • Tenant’s personal contact information
  • Amount of rent due each month
  • Where and how to pay rent
  • Penalty for late fee
  • Pet prohibitions
  • Cleaning and repair responsibilities
  • Security/cleaning deposit information
  • Noise provision
  • Termination procedures

One important component of monthly leases is that they can alter the eviction process depending on what state you live in. For example, some states allow landlords to evict month-to-month tenants without reason as long as they follow the eviction process properly. Tenants usually have an easier time getting out of this type of lease as well. Most states require either party to give 30 days’ notice when intending to leave or evict.

The monthly lease can also be quite useful for tenants who are unsure of their long-term living arrangements. Yearlong leases can put tenants in a bind if they get a job offer in another state and their landlord is not keen on letting them break the lease. Some landlords are more forgiving on this issue and will let renters leave without paying a penalty, but living in a month-to-month arrangement resolves this concern entirely.

If the tenant decides to stay at the property long-term, these leases can also be converted into 12-month leases with ease, which could allow the tenant and landlord to form a more productive relationship and improve the rental conditions for both parties. A longer lease could also lower overall rental costs for the tenant.

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