Download Itinerary Template | Travel | Wedding | Vacation | PDF | Word

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Itinerary Template | Travel | Wedding | Vacation | PDF | Word

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When you’re on vacation or a busy business trip, you want to make the most of your time. Squeeze all the enjoyment you can out of your trip by planning what you do with an itinerary, which will let you enjoy your time more.

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Without a proper itinerary, you could find yourself shuffling through travel guides or your phone anxiously trying to plan your day, when instead you could be relaxing or preparing for substantive business issues. To create the best travel itinerary, you’ll need to think about your trip chronologically: consider the order of business events you have to attend, or if you’re on vacation, the best order to see the sites, which will require you to check the hours they’re open.

Don’t Pack Your Schedule

If you cram too many activities together and race around town trying to see everything and eat at just the right restaurants, you will set yourself up to be worn out and not really enjoy your trip as much as you could. Leave plenty of time for getting to and from events/sites and plan for inconveniences that delay you.

For example, you may find yourself in a part of town where it’s difficult to hail a cab, so write down cab company numbers and see whether public transportation is available. Consult a concierge or the Internet to find out how long travel times are between sites as well as how long certain tours or activities take to complete.

More generally, try not to travel too far to too many locales. For example, some travelers will try to visit several cities in several countries over the course of only one or two weeks. You will only get a cursory glimpse of any of the places you visit if this is your plan. Often, even mid-sized cities can offer a week’s worth of interest, and places like Paris and New York can offer years’ worth.

Anticipate Delays

Be sure to leave enough time around flights so that you can rest before you have to attend an event―for example, if you are going on an excursion, be sure to arrive via your flight at least one day prior to that―and schedule time to travel to and from the airports, and include airport security screening time too. Try to schedule non-stop flights as well, so you will have less chance of a missed flight and less hassle overall.

And remember, you will very likely run into a delay or closed venue at some point during your trip, so just make the best of it. It could be an opportunity to see or do something even better than you had planned.


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