Download Preschool Lesson Plan Template | PDF

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Preschool Lesson Plan Template | PDF

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Preschool students may not require detailed assignments and assessments, but planning activities for your preschool students will help them get the most out of their class time. Consider using a preschool lesson plan template to plan a lesson for any subject.

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A preschool lesson plan will be simpler than plans for older students, but it should ideally contain a few elements similar to other plans. It should list the materials needed to complete the lesson, and what the lesson aims to teach the students, as well as steps to take to complete the lesson. You should also title your lesson plan and schedule how much time it will take so you can fit it around any breaks or other activities.

As the students will be heading to elementary school, lessons should help them prepare for this transition by getting them interested in reading and learning and helping them learn social skills.


The objective of a preschool lesson will certainly be simpler than objectives for older students. These should incorporate youngsters’ educational and physical needs, so think about the fine motor skills they need to learn as well as basic facts and skills to prepare them for elementary school. Objectives could include:

  • Learn to count to 20
  • Learn to draw different shapes: circle, square, triangle, and rectangle
  • Make a color pattern with your partner
  • Learn good manners

Don’t shy away from more intensive topics though. You can create an excellent activity to exercise students’ spatial abilities and introduce them to the solar system, for example, with some print outs and stickers or supplies to color in the planets and name them. With activities like this, make sure to include basic instructions so the students can follow you without becoming frustrated. This could involve helping them read the names of the planets to match them with the handouts. As you can see, you can create activities that help students learn multiple skills.

Other Tips for Preschool Lesson Planning:

  • Consider the season and contextualize lessons according to the weather or upcoming holidays.
  • Record the results of each activity for your future reference. This can allow you to easily improve a lesson and keep using one that worked well, in addition to making other lessons more effective.


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