Download SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1 | 2 | 3

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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1 | 2 | 3

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Sheltered instruction observation protocol (SIOP) is a method of instruction to teach English language learners (ELLs) that aims to improve their language abilities and mastery of the particular subject being taught. With the widespread success of this method, using a lesson plan can help you implement SIOP in your classroom.

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How to Use a SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Educational research has revealed that mastery of academic subjects is based largely on mastery of the specialized language the subjects use. Thus, the SIOP model calls for teachers to provide content for ELLs that uses similar language to the content that would be used for native English speakers, rather than content featuring simplified English.

The SIOP model consists of eight components:

  • Lesson preparation
  • Building background
  • Comprehensible input
  • Strategies
  • Interaction
  • Practice/Application
  • Lesson delivery
  • Review and assessment

Preparation: Like other lesson plans, SIOP plans require teachers to formulate learning objectives and communicate them at the beginning of a lesson. These should include content AND language objectives. Integrate any supplemental materials (graphs, other visuals, etc.) into the lesson that can help the students grasp the objectives.

Building background: The background aspect requires teachers to link the lesson with the students’ experiences and past lessons. Stress important vocabulary here such as “highlight” and “introduce.” Learning these terms in context will help solidify their understanding of them while they learn the material.

Make the input comprehensible: Use clear language and enunciate deliberately and slowly. Demonstrations and visuals can help students understand your instructions.

Strategies, Interaction, and Practice:  Activities should integrate language practice with content mastery. Mnemonic devices, Directed-Reading Thinking Activities (DRTA), and listening and reading comprehension strategies are effective here. Repeating student responses and paraphrasing enhances language comprehension here as well as content understanding.

Delivery: Finally, ensure that the methods and content of your lesson support the learning objectives, and that the students are engaged for about 90% of the time. Monitor the pacing of your delivery to ensure the students understand the lesson throughout.

Using the SIOP lesson plan will help you improve your students’ English literacy and content mastery at the same time.


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