Download VRE Schedule |Train| Fredericksburg| Manassas|PDF

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VRE Schedule |Train| Fredericksburg| Manassas|PDF

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Connecting Northern Virginia’s suburbs to the heart of Washington, D.C., the Virginia Railway Express is an important commuter rail for the nation’s capital area. Similar to other regional rail systems in large metropolitan areas, the VRE schedule has most of its trains traveling toward Washington in the morning and away from Washington in the evening, with only a few trains doing the opposite.

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The VRE has two lines: the Fredericksburg line and the Manassas line. It only operates on weekdays. For weekend service, Amtrak has trains that stop in many stations in Northern Virginia and head north.

Fredericksburg Line

The first train leaves Fredericksburg at 5:05 a.m. on weekdays, with later trains leaving at 5:15, 5:40, 6:05, 6:30, 7:15, and 7:40. Several Amtrak trains leave from this station as well at other times, but they have a limited number of stops, and VRE patrons may use these trains with some restrictions. Every train except the 5:05 train will make 10 stops before its final stop at Union Station. These stops include Quantico, Woodbridge, Alexandria, and Crystal City. You can switch over to the Washington Metro rail system at Franconia/Springfield, Alexandria, L’Enfant, Crystal City, and Union Station.

The southbound trains on this line mostly run from 3:30 p.m. to 6:40 p.m., but there is an earlier one that leaves at 12:55 p.m. Going the entire length of track takes about 1 hour an 30 minutes.

Manassas Line

The first station in the Manassas Line is Broad Run Airport in Bristow, VA. The line continues to Manassas Station and Rolling Road Station, among others, before stopping at several stations that connect with the Washington Metro, including Alexandria, L’Enfant, Crystal City, and Union Station.

Morning trains begin leaving Broad Run Airport at 5:05 and others leave at 5:45, 6:15, 6:40, 7:25, and 7:50. Like the Fredericksburg Line, only two trains leave Broad Run Airport after the morning, at 2:45 p.m. and at 5:10 p.m.

The length of the 9-stop journey to Union Station takes about 1 hour and 10 minutes.


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