Download 17-Day Diet Plan

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17-Day Diet Plan

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Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17-Day Breakthrough Diet is a progressive diet designed to help increase your metabolism and burn fat. Although it is uncertain whether you can burn extra fat by “increasing your metabolism” through diet, the Breakthrough Diet does incorporate healthy foods and promotes weight loss.

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The first key element of the diet is that it is separated into four phases that require you to eat strictly at first, and then you add in more foods. The idea behind eating very strictly at first, but changing the diet as it progresses, is that this will keep your metabolism “stoked” because it will constantly have to burn different foods. Like many other diet plans, the Breakthrough Diet relies on lean protein, produce, and healthy fats, and you will avoid most processed foods, unhealthy fats, alcohol, and sugar.

The Four (4) Phases

The four phases are:

1. Accelerate: This stage relies most heavily on lean protein and non-starchy vegetables, with minimal amounts of fat and other foods to encourage fat burning. This first 17-day period is the most restrictive and requires the most discipline.

A typical day could call for a serving of grilled chicken, one serving of egg whites, one serving of fish, three servings of green vegetables, 1-2 tablespoons olive oil, and two servings of low-sugar fruit.

2. Activate: In this 17-day stage, the dieter will alternate between the diet from the Accelerate stage and a diet that is similar but that adds starchy carbohydrates such as beans and higher fat dairy. You can also add low-fat beef and pork.

3. Achieve: This 17-day stage is similar to the two above, except with a wider variety of food choices, such as fruits, additional healthy fats like avocado and nuts, and high-fiber grains.

4. Arrive: The final 17-day phase lets you eat any meals suitable for the above phases from Monday through Friday, but you may eat any meal you like in moderation during the weekends. However, you must continue to exclude certain foods during the week: fatty meat, fruit juice, processed starches, etc.


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