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Alabama Lemon Law Used Vehicles | PDF | WORD | RTF

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What is a Used Car Lemon Law in Alabama?

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Lemon Law in the State of Alabama does not offer state lemon laws for used vehicles. Alabama does, however, offer some protection that will provide recourse for those who have purchased used vehicles sold to them under deceptive practices so that they may be compensated for vehicles that continue to fail to meet expected standards of quality or performance.

Lemon Law Regarding Used Cars in The State of Alabama

Alabama’s Lemon Law will not protect consumers who have purchased used vehicles per si. There are, however, laws used to assist you in the event you find that you have, in fact, purchased a highly defective used vehicle.

The first fact to be aware of is that the Federal Trade Commission has enacted what’s called the “Used Car Rule.” This rule always requires dealers to provide all consumers with a Buyer’s Guide that is complete with a warranty and other types of information. If a dealer has in any way at all, failed to abide by the FTC Used Car Rule, it would be likely that there would be a viable legal claim against them.

There are other laws and rules each state will have enacted as a way of consumer protection. Some have what is called the has “Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices” or UDAP laws. If any dealer makes verbal promises or fails to advise you about known issues relating to your used vehicle, there may be an opportunity to seek relief.

Alabama’s version of what is called the “Uniform Commercial Code,” may provide you with relief as well. There is also the “Truth in Lending Act” and the “Federal Odometer Act” as possible options for justice with lemon vehicles.

If at any point you may feel that you have purchased a vehicle that may be a lemon, you may wish to contact a local attorney for further assistance.



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