Download Alabama Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

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Alabama Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates | PDF | Word

Standard 1 Year Lease

Standard Lease | PDF | Word

Commercial | PDF | Word

Commercial | PDF | Word

Use an Alabama lease agreement to create a deal with a tenant to rent property in exchange for rent. The details of the contract should be negotiated between the landlord and tenant and once signed it becomes a legal document. The most common term is twelve (12) months but can be any type of tenancy or term as agreed upon by the parties.

Description of Forms

  • Rental Application – A landlord is recommended to view the tenant’s credit, employment, and past rental history to make sure that the person is qualified for the premises and can afford the payment every month.
  • Residential Lease – Allows for a person to be able to rent property from someone else on a 1-year (12 month) basis. Typically the landlord or representative will require the potential tenant to submit a rental application in order to prove that he or she is qualified in paying rent in a timely manner. After approval, the landlord and tenant are free to negotiate the terms of the lease.
  • Month to Month – Allow for an on-going rental relationship between the tenant and landlord and allow for any terms of the contract to change with at least 30 days written notice to one another. Once signed by both parties the for becomes legal.
  • Sublease – A relationship created when a person is currently bound to a lease from the Landlord and the tenant decides to re-rent the property to another party. The new tenant cannot stay longer than the original lease term and the rent is negotiated between the existing and new tenant. Monthly payments to the Landlord are still the first tenant’s liability.
  • Commercial – Lease is used for the occupation of space that may be used for a business use such as retail, office, or industrial types. The landlord and tenant may come to terms in the document and once it is signed the form is legally binding until the end of the term.

Basic Alabama Landlord-Tenant Rules

  • Security Deposit

The landlord may not legally accept or require more than one (1) month’s rent from the tenant for the Security Deposit. The Deposit must be returned to the tenant at the end of the lease agreement within twenty one (21) days of the end date or termination (minus any deductions that may exist).

The landlord may request more than the one month’s rent required if there are special requests by the tenant such as pets or a specific fit-up within the living unit.

  • Disclosure

The landlord must give the following names and addresses to the tenant:

  • Persons that work on the property on a day to day basis (if any)
  • Landlord
  • Property Manager

This information can either be sent to the tenant via standard mail or attached to the lease contract

  • Access to Property 

The tenant must allow the landlord to have permission to enter the premises for any repairs or requests made as long as at least two (2) days’ notice is given.

  • Forms

If the residential unit was constructed prior to 1978 the landlord must supply the tenant with the lead based paint disclosure form. It should be signed by the tenant and the landlord should keep a copy for their records.

