Download Alaska Divorce Forms and Papers

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Alaska Divorce Forms and Papers

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Filing for divorce in Alaska will take a minimum of three months, and one or both of the parties to the divorce must have been a state resident for at least six months. As long as both parties agree to the divorce and can come to terms over finances and any child-related matters, the process is easy and straightforward. The first step is to obtain a package of forms that you and your partner must fill out together.

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Instructions to File For Divorce in Alaska

It should be mentioned that in Alaska, the only recognized grounds for divorce is what is known as Incompatibility Of Temperament. This is of legalistic interest only, and of no concern to us here; it is mentioned only so that you will know what to fill in at the appropriate places on the forms.

The first of these forms is the Alaska Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. This form attests to the fact that both parties to the marriage agree that they want to divorce. It is required that both parties attach their most recent signed income tax forms. The court will need the financial information contained therein to make sure all the financial arrangements the petitioners come up with are equitable and to enable the judge to suggest any needed adjustments.

You will also need to obtain an original, blank copy of the Certificate of Divorce (Use Request Form to Obtain), Dissolution of Marriage or Annulment (These forms are also available from the Alaska Courts). Here, again, input is needed from both parties to satisfactorily fill out this form.

If you have children under the age of 18, you must also fill out the final form in the package. That form is formally known as the Shared Custody Child Support Calculation. This is the final document that needs to be filled out from the package initially obtained from the state.

You then need to make four copies of each form and submit them to your own County Clerk’s Office. There is a $150 fee for this filling. You can do this alone, and you must also be sure that your spouse receives a copy. In Alaska, a minimum of thirty days must pass between this filing and the hearing date, but it is possible to schedule it, at least 30 days in advance, at this point. It is your legal responsibility to inform your spouse of this date.

In Alaska, the court frowns on either party to the divorce missing this hearing for any but the most pressing of reasons. If it can’t be helped, the party that can’t attend is required to fill out the Appearance and Waiver of Notice of Hearing form, and it is the other spouse’s responsibility to follow up with this form with the court.

If everything is in order at the hearing, the judge will issue an Alaska Certified Copy of Dissolution, and at this point, you and your now-former spouse are officially divorced.

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