Download Alaska LLC Operating Agreement Form – PDF Template

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Alaska LLC Operating Agreement Form – PDF Template

Although not required by the State of Alaska, an LLC operating agreement allows for a written agreement to be created among members (members are known as the owners in a limited liability company). The form can be completed by filling in the highlighted fields with the information about the business being started and the partner information.

The document should specifically include the following;

  • Registered Agent information
  • All Members
  • Percentage each Members owns in the Company
  • Management Information
  • Distributions
  • Initial Contributions
  • Voting Rights for Each Member
  • Sale of Member’s Interest (Optional)

Once signed the document becomes legal so it is important to carefully review the details and make sure it is correct. For more information about the LLC laws in Alaska you should view theĀ Title 10 Chapter 10.50 Alaska Revised Limited Liability Company Act.

Download (PDF, 300KB)
