Download Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale Forms | Vehicle | Boat

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Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale Forms | Vehicle | Boat

Use the Alaska vehicle bill of sale forms to transfer a vehicle or vessel’s ownership. In order for it to be complete it needs to be filled-in and signed by both buyer and seller. The attached notice of transfer pending (for vehicles) must be completed as well and may be filed online.

Vehicle Registration

The vehicle bill of sale along with the attached notice of transfer pending will need to be completed and submitted to a DMV office location with the according fees (See Fee Chart).

The physical form of the notice of transfer pending must be sent to the following address if not filled-in online;

State of Alaska
Division of Motor Vehicles
1300 W Benson Boulevard STE 200
Anchorage AK 99503-3600

Vessel Registration

The following forms must be submitted to your local DMV office.

