Download Amtrak Schedule | Train | Downeaster | Surfliner| Hiawatha

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Amtrak Schedule | Train | Downeaster | Surfliner| Hiawatha

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Amtrak is America’s national railroad company. Under a unique public/private partnership, the company operates passenger routes of over 20,000 miles in total over almost every one of the lower forty-eight states, Washington DC, and in three provinces in Canada. Amtrak is also the contracted operator employed by other independent transportation divisions. Amtrak’s web site can be found at

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Amtrak Schedules can be accessed by numerous methods on this truly excellent website. If you know where you need to go and when you need to depart, the easiest way find your train is use the searching device located the top page of the website, under the conductor’s logo on the top, left side of the screen.

Accessing Amtrak Schedules

Across the top of the device, there is a row of radio buttons. If you choose the TICKETS button, you can either type the name of the city you are departing from, or find it under the drop-down menu; then do the same for your destination. Next, choose one-way or round-trip, the date, and the ages of the passengers. You can also choose a time. When you hit the FIND TRAINS button, all the appropriate choices will be displayed, either for the whole day if you didn’t specify a time, or on or around you time choice if you did.

Alternatively, to narrow your search a bit you can choose the SCHEDULES button instead of TICKETS. You’ll get a more compact view, with little more than the time and the trip’s ID number.

At the very top of the site, Amtrak’s Virtual Assistant stands ready to answer queries that you type in. Below that is a row of radio buttons. If you choose TIMETABLES, a new page opens at where you have the option of accessing a huge atlas of all Amtrak runs. It’s also possible to view smaller subsets such as the Northeast Corridor.

The next of the radio buttons is entitled STATIONS. If you hover over it, one of the choices on the drop-down menu is FIND A STATION; if chosen, the page view changes to, where you will be prompted to enter geographic information. This will bring up a list of all AMTRAK stations within the specific radius that you specified. The other choices in the drop-down menu are geographic regions; anyone of which, if chosen, will bring up a map of all the stations within the region.

The ROUTES radio button is another one which will offer a drop-down menu if you hover over it. The first six choices are geographic areas. If you choose any one of them, an illustrative map of the Amtrak routes in that region appears. Another choice is INTERACTIVE ROUTE ATLAS, if you point and click at this choice, and then do the same at the LAUNCH ROUTE ATLAS choice that then appears, you can get interactive information about all of the routes traveled by AMTRAK at


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