Download Anna Karenina eBook

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Anna Karenina eBook

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  • Author – Leo Tolstoy
  • Country – Russia
  • Genre – Realist Novel
  • Date – 1877

Anna Karenina is a classic novel that was written by acclaimed author and philosopher, Leo Tolstoy.  The e-book can be downloaded for free and also distributed and re-used. The license is included with the eBook or can be conveniently downloaded from the website,

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The original novel was published in serial parts in a periodical, “The Russian messenger “from 1873 to 1877. However due to political differences with the editor, the final part could never make it. Hence, only when a book compiled with all eight parts was published, did it obtain its present form.  The novel belongs to the reality fiction genre which depicts everyday surroundings in stark reality as opposed to a cheerful picture.


Anna Karenina is a story about a woman bearing the same name, who belongs to the Russian aristocracy. It’s a tragic drama about her married like and her romantic linkup with Count Vronsky.  Anna Karenina’s brother has a reputation for being a womanizer, which leads to cracks within her family. Anna herself is married to a Russian government official by the name of Karenin, however her heart yearns for the Count. The Count, on the other hand, is a bachelor and willing to marry Anna, provided that she leaves her husband for him. Anna is afraid of the backlash she might receive from the Russian society, her husband’s indecision and nonetheless her own demons.

To avoid the social stigma, Anna and the Count migrate to Italy to be together but find it difficult to socialize. With no choice left, they return to their motherland, only for Anna to face society’s scathing ire, whereas the Count continues with his social ways. All these leads to Anna’s heightened paranoia and sense of insecurity. She is afraid that someday the Count might desert her.

The novel also weaves a parallel story about Konstantin Levin, taking us through his everyday challenges and his courtship with Kitty, sister-in-law to Anna’s brother Obionsky, whom he wins over after numerous failed proposals.

What sets this novel apart is that it spoke out about a range of topics like politics, morality, gender bias and social class.


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