Download Arizona Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Arizona Articles of Incorporation Forms

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The Arizona articles of incorporation forms allow an individual to make a corporation. All documents and fees must be sent to the Secretary of State’s office for filing as there is no online filing system.

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  • Check Business Database – Before filing any type of new entity in Arizona it is recommended that the person check with the business database to ensure the name has not been taken by another business.

How to File

Step 1 – Choose Your Form – There are only two (2) forms to choose decided upon whether the new corporation will be for or non profit.

  • Profit (Most Popular) – For all new corporations that will be in existence inside the State operating on a for profit basis.

Step 2 – Pay Fee – All checks will be payable to the Arizona Secretary of State and shall be as follows;

  • Profit – $60
  • Non Profit – $40

*Attach an extra $25 and write in the memo of the check to ‘expedite’ to receive a faster filing.

Step 3 – Mail – Mail the completed document along with the filing fee to the following address:

Arizona Corporation Commission
Corporate Filings Section
1300 W. Washington St., Phoenix, Arizona 85007

After filing the new corporation should arrive in the mail after 2 to 3 weeks.

Contact Information

Telephone – 1(602) 542-3026

E-Mail –


  • Apply for a Tax ID Number – Upon receiving the number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a corporation may be able to apply for credit cards and open bank accounts. It can be applied for online or through a paper filing and sending through the mail or fax.
  • Corporate Bylaws – In order to protect shareholders of a corporation, this form creates rules for the day-to-day activities for the entity as well as terms and conditions the owners must follow


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