Download Bakery Business Plan Templates and Samples

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Bakery Business Plan Templates and Samples

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To create an effective business plan for your bakery the originator must communicate precisely how it will deliver its services to customers in a persuasive, clear way. Generally, a good business proposal will state the client or customers’ needs, how the business will fulfill these needs, and the costs of doing business as well as expected revenue. This will require careful research, and consideration of local clientele and marketing strategies.

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First, you need to get a thorough understanding of your potential customer base and your competition. You need to find out the food-purchasing habits of locals so you can develop a strategy to market your baked goods to them. Surveying the local population can give you valuable insight, and researching other bakeries in the area can also yield great information.

Your Product

Next, you need to flesh out your products and brand precisely. Will you offer mostly confections, breakfast items, artisanal bread, or some combination of baked goods? You will have to determine how your goods will be unique and how they fit into your overall marketing strategy. For example, you might want to brand your bakery as a traditional or rustic bakery, if more traditional goods are your specialty and you see a need to offer this type of business to compete with other local businesses (for example, your research may reveal that a portion of customers would prefer this type of bakery and that no bakery current fits this theme).

This step is critical because it will inform your marketing process. By knowing your products and customer base intricately, you will more effectively be able to persuade customers to buy those products.


Of course, the business plan must show how the business will generate profit. You have to carefully estimate how much money it will cost to run your business each month, any loans you have to borrow, and how much revenue you expect to gain each month. For a bakery, this will include rent for your store, utilities, the cost of food, paying employees, etc., and how much your items will sell for.

Here, it is very important to be realistic to arrive at figures that will accurately reflect your performance so you don’t risk your assets unnecessarily.

You also need to plan how the bakery will operate, including employee roles and distribution.

How to Write

Once you have all of this information gathered, you can organize it into a cohesive written business plan with the following sections:

1. Executive Summary

[Grab the reader’s attention and keep this section to about one page in length. Describe your business’s mission and overview your products and services.]

2. General Company Description

[Reviews your company’s goals, philosophy, and industry]



Business Philosophy:

Industry Description

3. Products and Services

[Describe your products or services in depth and list them]

Competitive advantages/disadvantages

4. Marketing Plan

[Consider the size of your market, demand for your product, trends, growth opportunity, customers, competition, promotion, etc.]

5. Sales Forecast

[Detailed monthly projection]

6. Operational Plan

[Daily operation of the business, people, processes, environment]


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