Download Bug Out Bag Packing List – PDF

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Bug Out Bag Packing List – PDF

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People are building Bug Out Bags, also known as ‘BOB’, in preparation of a huge dramatic chaotic world event. Many people are considering building a BOB simply because of common situations that happen every day and would like to be very well prepared. Some of the possibilities of disaster would be floods, earthquakes, home fires, tornados, riots, home invasion, terrorism, mass shootings among many other situations. Perhaps even just peace of mind is their motivation.

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It’s not likely that anyone would want to find themselves in any emergency situation that would place them in a position of having to drop life as they know it and have to leave. That being said there certainly is a lot of uncertainty in the world today. Wiser minds take these things into consideration and do their best to make appropriate preparations.

What to Consider When Making Your Checklist

  • Keep your BOB as simple as possible, pack simple things that will cover basic needs.
  • Be sure you will be able to carry your BOB on your person comfortably.
  • Pack things that will make you as self sufficient as possible- remember you are only moving to safety, the last thing you really need to worry about is scavenging. Remember though that you’re attempting to survive, this won’t be a luxury vacation. Plan your BOB with a time frame in mind. A good starting point is about 72 hours.
  • Access the information in the links above for further information with regard what you may wish to place in your personal BOB. Remember to have BOB’s for each family member to assist you in carrying your needed items.


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