Download Colorado Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Colorado Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Complete the Colorado articles of incorporation online with the Secretary of State’s website. The office no longer provides the traditional filing method of sending the document along with the filing fee and only allows online formation requests.

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Check Name Availability – It is recommended that every new corporation that is formed to first check with the business entity database to make sure that it is not taken. Just type in the name and all related listings will appear in the results.

How to File

Step 1 – Choose Type – The applicant must choose the type of corporation he or she is going to create from the selection listed;

  • Profit – For all standard businesses that will have a principal office address located in the State.
  • Non-Profit – For all institutions and organizations that will be operating within the State on a non-profit tax exemption.
  • Foreign – For all corporations formed in another State looking to conduct business transactions within Colorado.

Step 2 – Pay Fee – After completing the session you will be directed to the payment screen which will ask you to pay the $50 filing fee.

The filing will take approximately 10 to 15 days to process and get back to you in the mailing address you provided.

Contact Information


  • Apply For EIN – This is a number to be obtained by the IRS either through the traditional paper or online filing. Once acquired, the corporation may open bank accounts, apply for credit cards, and participate in everyday business activity.
  • Corporate Bylaws – This is recommended to complete by most legal advisors for protection from outside parties and from other shareholders (if any). This agreement outlines how the corporation will be run and how the profits will be distributed.


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