Download Colorado Divorce Papers and Forms

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Colorado Divorce Papers and Forms

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In Colorado, if you and your spouse can work together on a businesslike basis and both agree that you want to divorce as quickly, easily and cheaply as possible, Colorado affords you both the opportunity to file for divorce together. As the process unfolds, it may become evident there are, in fact, significant areas of disagreement. Then, separate filings, and perhaps even the assistance of attorneys may become necessary.

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Divorce in Colorado without a Lawyer

The process begins with two simple forms. The Case Information form lists simple information, such as name and address. The Petition announces that you want a divorce and sets out proposed child-care and financial agreements. If you file together, the Summons isn’t necessary. The Petition must be signed in front of a Notary and both forms are then filed with the county court covering either of your residences. The fee is $195.

If you are filing alone, see to it that your spouse receives the Summons, the Case Information, and the Petition. One way to do this is through the County Sheriff’s office. You will receive a Return of Service, proving your spouse has received the forms, and you then file it with The Court.

In Colorado, your spouse is entitled to see copies of your entire financial record. This includes pay stubs, three years of tax returns, loans and mortgages. And at this point there are numerous forms that The Court may or may not require you to fill out, including the Affidavit for Decree without Appearance, in case The Court finds matters to be so clear cut that no appearance before The Judge will even be required to affect the divorce.

On the other hand, if all is not in agreement between the spouses and a Pre-trial Statement has been filed, both parties will be required to attend a Status Conference. Afterwards, The Court may order both spouses to attend mediation. If this, too is ineffective The Court will issue a Case Management Order, which will set the stage for a Hearing before The Judge. These hearings can involve attorneys and be quite contentious.

You may need to present evidence to The Court, and you must make sure that your spouse, and perhaps the spouse’s attorney, has copies of the evidence in advance. You may have to present witnesses, and if you don’t use an attorney, you will have to prepare a Statement to assert your side of the story.

At the hearing, the informality observed thus far in the proceedings ends. You must dress respectfully and conservatively, and everybody is “Mr.”, “Ms.”, or “Your Honor”.  All told, there is a minimum of 91 days that must pass from the beginning of the process until the divorce is granted.

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