Download Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Tax Forms

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Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Tax Forms

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The state of Connecticut mandates that tax preparation professionals must submit state tax forms electronically if they have served more than 50 taxpayers in the previous tax season.  If the preparer has been approved by the IRS for electronic filing, the state of Connecticut automatically approves electronic filing as well. There will be no additional approval process needed.

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Tax Brackets in Connecticut

The state of Connecticut has twelve tax brackets that are marginal and range from the lowest at 3.00% to 6.70% which is the highest bracket. There are different tax brackets, in Connecticut that apply to various filing types. For example married couples filing jointly will often have a wider tax bracket than couples filing separate or as individual. Be certain that you’re using the current, updated Connecticut tax brackets.

Single Individual Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $10,000, you will pay 3.00%
  • Earnings between $10,000.00 and $50,000, you will pay 5.00% + $300.00
  • Earnings between $50,000.00 and $100,000, you will pay 5.50% + $2,300.00
  • Earnings between $100,000.00 and $200,000, you will pay 6.00% + $5,050.00
  • Earnings between $200,000.00 and $250,000, you will pay 6.50% + $11,050.00
  • Earnings over $250,000.00, you will pay 6.70% + $14,300.00

Married Couples Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $20,000, you will pay 3.00%
  • Earnings between $20,000.00 and $100,000, you will pay 5.00% + $600.00
  • Earnings between $100,000.00 and $200,000, you will pay 5.50% + $4,600.00
  • Earnings between $200,000.00 and $400,000, you will pay 6.00% + $10,100.00
  • Earnings between $400,000.00 and $500,000, you will pay 6.50% + $22,100.00
  • Earnings over $500,000.00, you will pay 6.70% + $28,600.00


You will not have to file Form CT-1040EXT providing, you do not owe additional CT taxes and as long as you have filed a request for extension to file returns with the IRS. If you did not file an extension to file returns with the IRS, you will then need to file form CT-1040EXT and mail to:

  • Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO BOX 2977 Hartford CT 06104-2977

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO BOX 2976 -Hartford CT 06104-2976

Return without Refund

  • Department of Revenue Services State of Connecticut PO BOX 2977 -Hartford CT 06104-2977


  • Department of Revenue Services PO Box 2932 -Hartford, CT 06104-2921

Contact the Connecticut Department of Revenue

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