Download Delaware Division of Revenue Tax Forms

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Delaware Division of Revenue Tax Forms

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The state of Delaware mandates that tax preparation professionals must be approved by the IRS and must have received an EFIN to be able to electronically file with the state of Delaware. If any tax preparation professional chooses to disengage with the IRS e-file system, you will no longer possess filing privileges with the state of Delaware.

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Tax Brackets in Delaware

In the state of Delaware there are fourteen marginal tax brackets.  These tax brackets range from 0.00% which is the lowest to 6.75% which is the highest tax bracket in Delaware. Marginal rates will only apply to earnings that are within the tax bracket that applies. In Delaware single filers and couples who file jointly will use the same tax brackets. Be certain to use these updated tax brackets for 2013.

Single Individual Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $2,000, you will pay 0.00%
  • Earnings between $2,000.00 and $5,000, you will pay 2.20% + $0.00
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $10,000, you will pay 3.90% + $66.00
  • Earnings between $10,000.00 and $20,000, you will pay 4.80% + $261.00
  • Earnings between $20,000.00 and $25,000, you will pay 5.20% + $741.00
  • Earnings between $25,000.00 and $60,000, you will pay 5.55% + $1,001.00
  • Earnings over $60,000.00, you will pay 6.75% + $2,943.50

Married Couples Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $2,000, you will pay 0.00%
  • Earnings between $2,000.00 and $5,000, you will pay 2.20% + $0.00
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $10,000, you will pay 3.90% + $66.00
  • Earnings between $10,000.00 and $20,000, you will pay 4.80% + $261.00
  • Earnings between $20,000.00 and $25,000, you will pay 5.20% + $741.00
  • Earnings between $25,000.00 and $60,000, you will pay 5.55% + $1,001.00
  • Earnings over $60,000.00, you will pay 6.75% + $2,943.50


If you have filed for an extension with your federal income tax returns, the state of Delaware will grant you the same extension time granted by the IRS without having to file for a state extension separately.

Extension Mailing Address:

  • State of Delaware Division of Revenue PO Box 508 -Wilmington DE 19899-0508

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • State of Delaware Division of Revenue PO Box 8765 -Wilmington DE 19899-8765

Return without Refund:

  • State of Delaware Division of Revenue PO Box 508 -Wilmington DE 19899-0508


  • State of Delaware Division of Revenue PO Box 8735 -Wilmington DE 19899-8735

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