Download Fillable DD Form 1056 – No Fee Passport

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Fillable DD Form 1056 – No Fee Passport

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The purpose of DD Form 1056 is a form provided by the Department of Defense for qualifying military and government official to complete and obtain a no fee passport so that they will have the ability to travel for military purposes. A DD Form 1056 will only be properly completed when it is filled out on a computer or any other device that will type the letters directly into the form. There will be no acceptance of DD Form 1056 if it is handwritten.

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How to Fill-In DD-Form 1056 (No-Fee Passport Document)

  • Step 1 – Passport Application Information

Inasmuch as this form must be submitted with an application for passport, you must provide the date that a passport will be needed in box 1. Box two will require the group or service is in, that would qualify you to obtain the waiver of fees. Boxes 3.4 and 5 will be used for the name and date of birth of the person applying for the waiver.

  • Step 2 – Sponsor

If a sponsor is required, the sponsor must place their information in boxes 6,7 and 8. If there is no sponsor needed for this transaction, check the box in box number 6.

  • Step 3 – Contact Information

The applicant must place their contact name in boxes 9 and 10 of the form. Applicant must also provide any addresses where they may reside whether they are permanent or interim addresses and phone numbers for contact as well as any other people that may reside with them.

  • Step 4 – Travel Plans

In boxes 11 -15, you will be required to list the plans of travel you will use this passport for. You must list your special assignments, destination, estimated time and date of travel and agency to forward the passport to.

  • Step 5 – Approval for Applicant

Your authorizing official must complete box 16 allowing approval. Any additional notes may be made in box 17 by your supervising authority. Your form is now complete. The bottom portion will be completed by the receiving agent of the form. Retain a copy for your records and submit your application.


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