Download Florida Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Florida Articles of Incorporation Forms

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 Paper Filing

Use the Florida articles of incorporation forms to make a corporation. An applicant must submit the documents either in paper form or file online (SunBiz). All fees associated with the forms must made to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Name Availability – Make sure the name selected has not been registered already. The most common reason an application is rejected is for this issue.
  • Laws – Title XXXVI – Chapter 605 Revised Limited Liability Act

How to File

Step 1 – Choose Your Type – Choose the type of corporation you would like to form in Florida from the following choices;

  • Most Popular Domestic ProfitApply OnlinePaper Form – For all standard corporations that will have a principal place of business in Florida.
  • Domestic Non-ProfitApply OnlinePaper Form – All organizations that qualify for a tax status exemption.
  • Foreign ProfitApply OnlinePaper Form – Located outside the State seeking to transact business in Florida.
  • Foreign Non-ProfitApply OnlinePaper Form – Non-Profit organization located outside the State seeking to conduct financial activities in Florida.

Step 2 – Pay the Filing Fee – Make a check payable to the Secretary of State for $70.

  • Optional – Add $8.75 for a Certificate of Status.

Step 3 – Mail – Send the filing fee along with the completed form to the following address;

Department of State
New Filing Section
Division of Corporations
P. O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314

Contact Information


  • Apply for a EIN – This number from the Internal Revenue Service allows an entity to be able to open a bank account and apply for credit cards. Apply online from the IRS website.
  • Corporate Bylaws – Use to create rules and protect the shareholders of the corporation to ensure that everyone involved in the entity is performing their agreed upon duties.


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