Download Florida Purchase and Sale Agreements

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Florida Purchase and Sale Agreements

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The Florida purchase and sale agreements allow a seller and buyer of residential or commercial property to be able to come to terms in a contract for a property transaction.

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Commercial – Use this form to make an agreement between a tenant and a landlord over the purchase of property for either retail, office, or industrial use. This form is a fill in the blanks Adobe PDF template that allows for a legal document to be created by completing the information about the property and the parties involved.

Every purchase and sale agreement is different but the number one (1) most negotiated part of the transaction is the purchase price. After that is agreed upon everything else becomes easier to deal with and a contract can most of the time be completed and signed.

  • It is recommended that the buyer perform all checks and inspections to ensure that the property and title is in good condition.

Condominium – Standard agreement for a buyer and seller to come to terms over the sale of a condo unit.

Residential – This agreement has been approved by the board of Realtors and Florida State BAR for legal use of an agreement that lets a financially capable buyer enter into a contract with a seller of residential property. The agreement may be for any type of terms as negotiated by the parties involved but it is recommended that an attorney review all the documents to ensure that all language is legal under the local and State codes of Florida.

Once the form has been initialized and signed by both parties it becomes legal and enforceable. If one of the parties decides to default on the terms the buyer’s security deposit may be exposed or the seller may be sued for damages.


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