Download Gross Commercial Lease Agreement Template

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Gross Commercial Lease Agreement Template

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A gross lease is the most common type of commercial rental agreement. It is the occupation of space or property by a tenant in return for a fixed monthly payment to the landlord every month.

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The landlord is responsible for all expenses to the premises including;

  • Water/Sewer
  • Electricity
  • Cable/Internet/Telephone
  • Common Area Maintenance (CAM’s)

If there are any extras requested by the tenant, it will either be billed directly to them or be added to the rent. This type of agreement is normally directed towards local establishments or riskier tenants as the landlord does not want to take the chance of being behind on any payments with creditors related to the property.

If there is any fit-up required by the landlord before the tenant takes occupancy, the landlord should request to view the entity’s credentials as well as view their record at the Secretary of State’s office to see how long they have been in existence. If the company has not been around long enough to justify making remodeling the property for their needs a personal guaranty may be required or elect to have the tenant make the changes themselves.

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