Download Home Inspection Checklists | Fillable PDF | iOS | Android

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Home Inspection Checklists | Fillable PDF | iOS | Android

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Use the home inspection checklist to conduct a thorough examination of your potential new home during the buying process. Whether you have found a seemingly perfect home or you are preparing to sell yours, the checklist is a great way to move towards a successful inspection.

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This checklist does not serve as an official inspection. Although this is not an exhaustive checklist, it will help you become acquainted with any major issues to look for that will affect your sale or purchase. Buyers sometimes do not require an inspection in an effort to improve their chances of getting a home, but this can lead to costly repairs down the road. Here is a checklist divided into major sections to help get you started.

Things to Look For


  • No standing water
  • No leaks from septic tank
  • Secure railings on steps and porches
  • Patios, sidewalks, and driveways are in good condition
  • No overgrown vegetation
  • Trees are not too close to power lines
  • Roots don’t affect foundation


  • No missing or broken shingles
  • No signs of shoddy repair
  • Gutters are unclogged and in good condition
  • Clean vents
  • No signs of decay
  • Chimneys are straight, with undamaged brick and mortar


  • No open electrical connections
  • Adequate ventilation and insulation
  • No signs of water damage
  • Easy access
  • No stains from roof penetration


  • No dank smell
  • No damage to exposed wood
  • No cracks in interior construction
  • No signs of water leaks
  • Sufficient insulation


  • Working exhaust fan
  • Adequate water flow in sink
  • No excessive rust on pipes
  • Appliances operate well
  • Sufficient ventilation around appliances
  • No leaking around refrigerator or sink
  • Cabinets are secure

Interior rooms

  • No stains on walls, floors, or ceilings
  • No large cracks
  • Lights and switches work
  • Adequate insulation
  • Flooring in good condition
  • Electrical outlets work
  • Doors operate properly, hinges are secure
  • Paint is in good condition
  • Windows are not broken and have no fogging or mildew


  • Toilet flushes correctly
  • Tub is secure
  • Tiles are secure and free of mildew
  • Sink and tub drain well
  • Exhaust fan works
  • Water pressure is high enough
  • Floor tiles are secure
  • Caulking around tub is in good condition
  • No water stains or signs of mold


  • Fuse box is easy to access and in good condition
  • Sufficient number of outlets in each room
  • No exposed wires
  • Wires and cables in good condition

Heating and cooling systems

  • No gas odor
  • No rust around air conditioners
  • Air filters are clean
  • No asbestos on heating pipes
  • Good airflow throughout house


  • Water heater is easy to access and operate, with no rust around it
  • No signs of damage or leaking on any pipes
  • Water heater has adequate capacity and heats to 120 degrees Fahrenheit

In addition to all the above elements, you will want to be sure the house is structurally sound, with straight walls and a foundation in good condition. Bowing, dents, cracking, and staining on the exterior are all things that could show there is a significant structural defect with the house.


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