Download Printable Hospital Bag Checklists | PDF

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Printable Hospital Bag Checklists | PDF

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Use the hospital bag checklist to prepare and be ready to give birth at any time. The time leading up to your new arrival will be exciting and probably scary, and preparing for the event beforehand can make it as memorable and smooth as possible.

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Using a hospital bag checklist to prepare yourself is a good way to have all the supplies you need on hand. It’s best to prepare your bag during the final month of pregnancy to anticipate a potentially early birth. Otherwise, it could be impossible to try to hurriedly gather everything you need as you are going into labor. Of course, your hospital will offer new moms a number of amenities, such as diapers for the baby, so you can check with them beforehand so you don’t have to worry about those items.

This is also a good general list for other types of hospital stays. Also, ask healthcare professionals what items you should bring for your particular stay.

Sample Hospital Bag Checklist

Priority Items

  • Birth plan
  • Insurance information
  • Nightgown or robe
  • Slippers
  • Several pairs of socks and underwear that can be discarded if they get messy
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Two maternity bras with no underwire
  • Headband
  • Toiletries and personal hygiene items
  • Lip balm
  • Cell phone and phone charger
  • Camera with charger
  • Lozenges
  • Eyeglasses
  • Change for vending machines
  • Clothes and toiletries for partner
  • New outfit for the baby to go home in
  • Snacks and beverages
  • Going home outfit for yourself

Comfort Items

These items will make your hospital stay more comfortable, but are not essential.

  • Extra pillow
  • Extra gown/robe
  • Comfortable clothing like t-shirts and sweatpants
  • Sanitary pads
  • Light reading
  • Portable media player
  • Journal
  • Other items to keep your attention if your labor is prolonged


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