Hunting Land Lease Agreement | Fillable PDF
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A Hunting Land Lease Agreement is a way for landowners to specify the conditions under which recreational hunters can enjoy the use of their land for hunting and camping. There are a variety of different types of leases in use throughout the US today and their purpose is to specify the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of all the parties involved.
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How to Write
First and foremost, the lease should specify the extent of the land on which the lessees can hunt, the time period of the lease, and the type of animal(s) that can be hunted. The fee to be charged as well as identities of the individual(s) to whom the lease is granted to must also be clearly enumerated. You must also make sure that you, yourself always has the right to be on your own land, throughout the course of the lease. The document must also state who else has the right to pass through the land.
The lease should also state what types of activities are allowed and what aren’t. Examples here include campfires, the cutting down of trees, and the use of off-road vehicles. And in any case, your lease must certainly include a clause stating that all lease privileges will be lost if any state and federal wildlife laws are observed to have been broken.
The specific arrangements that are followed vary somewhat state by state, but there are three major types of accommodations being offered by landholders to hunters. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and requires varying degrees of involvement by owners.
The long-term lease generally lasts for a year, and is usually only granted to individuals well know to the lessor and well trusted by him. This requires the least amount of supervision, and the yearly revenue is defined up front. The disadvantage is that that revenue is often well short of what can be garnered by other arrangements.
Short-term leases can be for a short as a day, a week, or perhaps as long as the legally sanctioned period allowed for hunting a specific species. The lessor here has the opportunity to offer other services, such as guide service or camping equipment rental. This type of lease results in far more revenue, but it also requires that that the owner makes a much greater commitment of his time. Daily leases offer more revenue still, but here you will be dealing with a constant turnover of individuals of uncertain skill levels, so intensive supervision will be necessary.
Even when conducted in the most responsible manner, hunting is not an activity that is free of danger. The lease must require that the lessee will always be responsible for the direct supervision of any minor hunting on the leased land. In addition, injury and even death, though not likely, are always possibilities. For this reason, there must be a clause in the lease that indemnifies the landlord from any legal claim in the event that something of this nature occurs.

Hunting Land Lease Agreement | PDF
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