Download Idaho Divorce Forms and Papers

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Idaho Divorce Forms and Papers

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The Idaho divorce papers possible to divorce on your own by using the State forms. The only prerequisites are that both parties are ready and willing to end the marriage, and they must be able to work cooperatively and productively together to make it happen. The process generally takes between 4 to 6 months from start to finish, and if one or both partners has been a resident for 6 weeks, that will satisfy Idaho’s residency requirement. The forms and instructions are in accordance with Idaho Divorce Laws under Title 32 Domestic Relations.

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How to File for Divorce in Idaho Without an Attorney

The first issue to decide is which partner will actually file for the divorce. That person must obtain a standard package of forms, and they can easily be obtained online.

There are two (2) different Complaint for Divorce forms;

In the former case, there are a few other forms that are needed, and all must  themselves of the Divorce Summons. In filling out the forms, do realize that the only recognized grounds for divorce in Idaho are irreconcilable differences.

The filing partner must then deliver the filled-out summons to the Idaho Circuit Court Clerk’s Office for your county

The filing fee varies by county from $76 to $129. *If you have minor children, the clerk will give you a certificate valid for attending mandatory Parenting classes. When you complete the classes, you will be issued a completion form. You must have this form in hand when your Hearing comes up, or, regardless of anything else, the divorce cannot proceed.

Even though this is assumed to be a cooperative venture between you and your partner, you, as the filing partner, have to formally inform your spouse that you are, in fact, filing for divorce. To do so, you need to serve your spouse with the papers you filed with the Circuit Court Clerk and also the Acknowledgement of Service by Defendant and Consent Form. He or she must fill this last form out, and the next step is for you to file that now completed form with the clerk.

There is now a twenty (20) day waiting period, after which you must file the Divorce Decree and the Sworn Stipulation for Entry of Decree of Divorce. If relevant, you must also file the Child Support Transmittal form.

At this point, all there is for you both to do is to wait for your Court Hearing Date. At the Hearing, if all the papers are filled in satisfactorily and there are no other issues, the Judge will authorize and sign your Divorce Decree. The process is now complete, and you are now divorced.

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