Download IOU (Debt Acknowledgment) Form | DOC | PDF | RTF |

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IOU (Debt Acknowledgment) Form | DOC | PDF | RTF |

An IOU, also referred to as an “I owe you” and “Debt acknowledgment form”, is a legal form that acknowledges an individual’s debt that is owed to another party. Once the parties agree to a debt that is fair, the interest rate must be determined. Note that the interest may not be more than the State’s allowable percentage.

How to Write

It is a simple one (1) page agreement that is to have the following entered into the form:

  • Name of Debtor
  • Name of Creditor
  • IOU Amount
  • Balance Due Date
  • First Payment Date along with others (if applicable)
  • Signature of Each party
  • Notary Acknowledgment (if applicable)
